80s toys - Atari. I still have
1. MiniCommander, Blue FTP ... etc
2. ByteCode Editor.

Hi, In this tutorial, I'll teach you a simple method to add List UI to any MIDlet has no interface.

1. Download one of the attached files.

2. Using MiniCommander , extract your MIDlet "app/game" to a sub folder.

3. Using ByteCode Editor , search for this code:
1. javax/microedition/lcdui/List

4. A few .CLASS files will pop up, now open it one by one > Constant pool> Press "7" > Replace:
1. javax/microedition/lcdui/List with:
1. javay/microedition/lcdui/List then press OK. do the same with the rest of .CLASS files that poped up after searching.

5. Extract javay folder from any of theattached files to the sub folder where you have extracted your MIDlet.

6. Pack all files using MiniCommander together, thereafter, install your modified and Enjoy.
